Dr. Anne Elizabeth Dyer
Ph.D. Adjunct Faculty
- Ph.D. Theology (Missiology) University of Bangor, North Wales, UK. 2008
- MPhil. Theology (Missiology) University of Bangor North Wales, UK 2005
- M.Th. Theology, University of Bangor North Wales, UK c/o Mattersey Hall (AoG) Bible College 2002
- Cambridge Diploma Religious Knowledge 1979 (Distinction) c/o Lebanon Missionary Bible College
- B.A. Ancient History and Archaeology (Hons, 1st) Victoria University of Manchester 1977
- Missionary with the Overseas Missionary Fellowship International, Thailand 1980-1993
- Library assistant -1993-2003
- Researcher for the Northumbria (Celtic) Community 1997-1999
- Librarian, at Mattersey Hall (AoG) Bible College, 2000-2020, Archivist 1915-2020,
- Lecturer, supervisor of all levels of dissertation students in Pentecostal Studies, Cross Cultural Ministry 2008-2020 (minus 1 year), 4 Doctoral students finalised and 1 ongoing Doctoral student until mid 2022.
- Lecturer, PhD Missiology manager for 1 year cover contract at Cliff College, Derbyshire, A Methodist training college for evangelism 2014-2015.
- External Examiner for 3 doctoral examinations 2016-2020 and for Roehampton university’s Theology and Ministry BA 2019-present.
- Adjunct Supervisor, administrator at St Hild College, Yorkshire for BA and MA dissertations 2020 – present
- Adjunct Supervisor, London School of Theology 2020 – present
- Professional Societies’ membership 2004-2017:
- European Pentecostal Theological Association Secretary. Co–editor for EPTA’s Journal, website coordinator -2017, Book Review Editor for JEPTA until 2019 and still a member.
- Member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 2005-2016.
- British and Irish Association for Practical Theology 2017-21.
Chapters in edited books:
- Forthcoming: ‘Pentecostal Mission’ in Anglicans and Pentecostals in Dialogue edited by David Hilborn and Simo Frestadius, (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock 2022)
- Forthcoming: ‘Pentecostal assessment of Edinburgh 2010’, in Festschrift for Prof. W. K. Kay (co-editor); CPT Publishing for 2021/2.
- Dyer, A. E., ‘Ecumenism and Pentecostals in the UK 20-21st Centuries’ in Pentecostal and Charismatic in Britain: An Anthology edited by Joe Aldred (London: SCM, 2019)
- Dyer, A. E., ‘The Holy Spirit and Peter’s Preaching at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41) in Holy Spirit, Spokesperson, Scripture, Sermon and Society edited by Johnson T. K. Lim, (Singapore: Word N Works, 2018).
- Dyer, A. E., ‘Pentecostal Worship Practices in Europe’ in M. Cartledge & A. Swoboda (eds), Scripting Pentecost, (Farnham: Ashgate, 2016)
- Dyer, A. E. ‘Seeing the Unreached: Response to Alan Johnson on The Challenges of Unreached Peoples: issues in assemblies of God (U.S.) in Missiology 2015.
- Dyer, A. E., ‘Angels and Pentecostals’ in A. Yong, K. Kim, V-M Kärkkäinen (eds), Loosing the spirits, (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013)
Co-edited books and chapters therein:
- Kay, W. K. & A. E. Dyer [eds], European Pentecostalism, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic (Leiden: Brill, 2011).
- Kay, W. K. & A. E. Dyer, Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, A Reader, (London: SCM Press, 2004).
- Kay, W. K. & A. E. Dyer, Pentecostal & Charismatic Studies, A Reader, (London: SCM Press 2004).
Journal Articles
- Dyer, A. E., ‘Some Theological Trends Reflected in the Songs used by the British Charismatic Churches of 1970s-early 2000s’ in JEPTA Vol XXVI 26.1 (2006), pp38-52
- Dyer, A. E., ‘AoG Missionary Candidates 1945-66’ in JEPTA Vol. XXIV, 2004 pp84-100.
And numerous book reviews, largely published in JEPTA
Anne has been involved in ministry training since 2002, mainly through Mattersey Hall Bible College, and a year at Cliff College administering their PhD Missiology students. Her work included managing the library, archive and speciality lecturing and dissertation supervision in Mission, Pentecostalism, and Practical Theology. She has been married to Colin since 1977 and they have two children born while we were ministering in South Thailand in two cultures, but mainly a Muslim minority. Intercultural ministry is where she loves to work, and they found themselves with Persian believers since 2006 in UK. She has also led a number of short-term mission teams in Europe, Thailand and Malaysia. Also involved at leadership levels in the local Methodist church, Anne has had roles on the local church leadership, the circuit and district synod. Meanwhile, I thrive on encouraging trainee ministers for the sake of God’s kingdom.