Master of Arts

The Master of Arts Chaplaincy is an online program designed to equip the student with a practical and theological framework for ministry in the contemporary chaplaincy context. Students will do this by developing extensive knowledge and critical understanding of this field, developing an understanding of service, specialized ministry, and pastoral counseling from the initial foundation of the curriculum.

The Master of Arts Chaplaincy will enable the student to evaluate complex ethical issues in contemporary society, along with matters related to spiritual, community, and social needs related to this particular demonstration of the mission of Christ.


Program Objectives

Upon completing the M.A. Chaplaincy, students will be able to:

Program Structure

Program Distinctives

1. Quality education that engages with its context, reflects on theology, and rethinks paradigms.

2. Rigorous courses offered online.

3. Convenient, economical, and innovative program that accommodates people with busy schedules.

4. Emphasis on spiritual formation and personal development.

5. Highly qualified and experienced faculty.

6. Enhanced library services capable of accessing theological databases from anywhere.

Course Structure

The M.A. Chaplaincy is a 48-credit, primarily online program you can complete in as little as two years.

Access to the Internet is required for participation in the program.

Complete in Two Years

Year One: Complete seven courses over four online sessions.

Year Two: Complete six courses over four online sessions while beginning work on the thesis. Students who anticipate completing the thesis during the second year may apply to participate in graduation ceremonies.

Need more flexibility? Students can utilize an additional six months for the completion of their thesis and a total of 6 years to complete the entire program. A student who takes longer than 6 years to complete the requirements will need to reapply to the program.

Term Dates

Fall 2024

M1 August 21- October 13 M2 October 16 - December 8

Spring 2025

M1 January 6 - February 28
M2 March 3 - April 25

Summer 2025

M1 May 12 - July 4
Thesis Term May 12 - August 25

Fall 2025

M1 August 25- October 11
M2 October 20 - December 13

On-Campus August 26-29


CM510 Chaplaincy Ministry: 3 Credits

The course will assist participants in defining the ministry of a chaplain in a variety of contexts. This will be accomplished by exploring and evaluating various chaplaincy options as full or part- time ministry vocations. Primary emphasis will be given to institutional chaplaincies (hospital, hospice, prison, etc.).

CM520 Theology and Community: 3 Credits

On successful completion of the course, a student should be capable of expressing a personal and biblically sound appreciation for the diverse nature of humanity and human communities with accompanying insights into what it means to love and serve all human beings, an imitation of Christ.

CM530 Introduction to Counseling: 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to various counseling roles, both in the church and other service organizations. It familiarizes students with the major theoretical approaches to counseling and psychotherapy. The therapy process is examined in terms of the roles of the counselor and the counselee, some of the techniques employed, and the ethical issues related to counseling.

CM610 Foundation of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): 3 Credits

As a guide to compassionate crisis ministry, this course will introduce biblical and historical examples related to crisis ministry. Students will examine the recent CISM status and notable crisis events and discuss the importance of Christians’ involvement in contemporary crisis ministry. An overview of techniques and applications will be taught by integrating International Critical Incident Stress Foundation’s (ICISF) two core courses: Assisting Individual in Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention (GRIN). Upon successfully completing this course, students will receive nationally recognized CISM certificates.

CM620 Grief, Trauma, and Bereavement Care: 3 Credits

This course will provide a biblical understanding of the nature of grief and trauma, and corresponding principles and techniques for effective spiritual care and counseling. The basic counseling skills coupled with the biblical, theological, and ethical concerns in pastoral care ministry are discussed. Particular emphasis will be given to working with individuals and families as they journey through the grieving process. Opportunities will also be given for students to demonstrate their understanding of the stages of grief as well as determining practical approaches to pastoral care for those of a common faith, a different faith, or those professing no faith.

CM681 and CM 682 Clinical Pastoral Education Units: 6 Credits

Two Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) units of supervised clinical practice in ministry are to be completed after the first year of chaplaincy studies, preferably beginning in the summer when coursework and thesis writing are not as demanding. As many of the core chaplaincy courses (designated by the code CM) should be completed as possible prior to beginning CPE units. A formal application and approval process must be followed with the Chaplaincy Program Director or Professor. One CPE unit spans at least 10 weeks and consists of no less than 400 hours of clinical pastoral care, mentoring by the site supervisor, learning goals, designated reading, presentations, group discussion, personal evaluation, and application of theological education. Submission of the Final Self-Evaluation and the Final Supervisor Evaluation will constitute proof of completion. Students are to secure their own CPE site arrangement, although the Chaplaincy Director and chaplaincy professors may be consulted. Additional expenses incurred are the student’s responsibility.

CM690 Internship: 3 Credits

The 240-hour internship (min. 14-16 weeks) is designed to be completed after the first year of chaplaincy studies, preferably during the summer when coursework and thesis writing are not as demanding. As many of the core chaplaincy courses (designated by the code CM) should be completed as possible prior to beginning the internship. The student is responsible for securing and arranging an internship that supports his or her professional aspirations. A formal application and approval process must be followed with the Chaplaincy Program Director or Professor. The experience will include mentoring by the site supervisor, regular online meetings with the internship professor, designated reading, personal evaluation, and reflective writing. Submission of the Final Self-Evaluation and the Final Supervisor Evaluation will constitute proof of internship completion.

CS610 Research Methods 2 – Thesis Proposal: 3 Credits

A post-graduate degree should be characterized by heightened competencies in areas such as reflective thought, critical analysis and familiarity with relevant literature. Employing appropriate research methodologies Trinity post-graduate degrees comprise a significant research track that enables the student to explore ministry specific fields of study. The objective is to reinforce lifelong learning, the humility of a scholar and applied learning relevant to the student’s own context. This allows some degree of specialization whilst accommodating academic rigor and the positive involvement of a well-qualified supervisor. Additionally, this part of the program is designed to equip those students who wish to pursue further studies. This course is a self-study module which is completed concurrently with TH690a, Thesis. Students register for this course when registering for TH690a.

CS620 The Biblical Theology of Justice: 3 Credits

Combining biblical studies and theology, this course identifies the overarching biblical narrative of God’s love for the poor, the widow, the orphan and the foreigner. Based on the Talmudic concept of Jubilee this course will trace the messianic story of the Bible culminating in the coming of Christ to bring the message of the Kingdom of God. Having established a theological rationale, this course will then explore contemporary models of expressing God’s Kingdom through acts of service, the establishment of ministries of mercy and the responsibility of the contemporary church to be a voice for the oppressed and an advocate for the poor.

LD610 Global Scholar Seminar: 3 Credits

Each year a leading global scholar will be invited to teach Leadership in a Global Context from the unique perspective of his or her area of expertise. The title of the course will be determined by the content of the syllabus. Building on the factual realities of globalization, this course is designed to develop competencies in developing a biblical world view that responds in a Christ- honoring way to the complex issues of religious, ideological, and cultural diversity that now define the context of twenty first century church. Understanding contemporary phenomena such as mass migration, pluralism, gender issues, and ethnic diversity are foundational to effectively leading churches and ministries that are clearly counter-cultural communities of faith. The intentional inclusiveness of Christ-following people and demonstrating an understanding in leading redemptive communities forms the theological foundation of this course.

PT510 Introduction to Graduate Studies: 3 Credits

This is a bridging course specifically for students who may find the step into graduate studies more of a leap than a step. This is especially true of those who last undertook formal studies a while back. In addition to life, work and family responsibilities, a graduate program can present some challenges. This course will serve as a tool to sharpen one’s entry skills for the exciting journey into the MA program.

PT510 Research Methods: Perspectives and Resources: 3 Credits

Foundational to post-graduate level study is the need to understand and become familiar with research methodology. This course is intentionally designed to prepare the student for careful, investigative research resulting in appropriate writing styles, adequate referencing and critical analysis. Analyzing, evaluating, building and presenting arguments are central to the course. Developing a familiarity with different research methodologies, data analysis and the preparation of literature reviews prepare the student to maximize the whole course but, in particular, to be prepared for the research track which comprises their own unique project.

PT610 Ethical Foundations for Christian Leadership: 3 Credits

In an increasingly complex environment, leaders need ethical and theological awareness in order to sustain moral and principle-centered organizations. This course seeks to familiarize the students with ethical concepts thus facilitating theological reflection and practical action in the light of the Church’s moral mission in society.


TH690a and TH690b Thesis: 9 Credits

The capstone of the M.A. (Chaplaincy) is a research-based project enabling the student to undertake a serious piece of academic writing in an area specific to his/her interest. A thesis must be approximately 15,000 words, excluding footnotes.

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