A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | view subject list


  • Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA)
    The ARDA collects and provides data on religion, which is provided by religion scholars and research centers around the world. The data is meant to be a resource for scholars, educators, journalists, and religious congregations. It is presented in a wide variety of tables, spreadsheets, summaries, etc.
  • ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
    ATLA Religion Database is the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Includes citations for journal articles, essays from multi-author works, book reviews, and a growing number of multimedia materials. ATLASerials is an online collection of full-text articles and books reviews from major religion and theology journals.
  • Academic Search Premier
    Largest database of articles from peer-reviewed journals and magazines in academic disciplines.
  • Alt HealthWatch
    Articles about complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. with full-text articles from international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports.
  • Ancestry Library Edition
    The world’s largest online family history resource can give your library, family history center, school or archive instant access to hundreds of years of history in billions of historical documents and millions of historical photos from all over the world.
  • Applied Science and Technology Source
    This database offers a diverse array of full-text and indexed content covering the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines.
  • ArticleFirst
    The OCLC index of articles from the table of contents pages of journals. Provides information for requesting articles from libraries that own the journal.


  • Britannica Academic Edition
    Fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive information.
  • Britannica Kid Version
    A safe search environment for kids without distractive advertising.
  • Britannica Library Edition
    Online encyclopedia with separate search boxes and resources for adults and children.
  • Britannica School Edition
    Four complete encyclopedias and high-quality online learning materials developed by teachers and curriculum experts.
  • British Library Sacred Texts Archive
    A digital collection of the sacred texts held by the British Library. Over 78 beautifully digitized texts are available to view, along with descriptive and background information for each item.
  • Business Source Premier
    The largest full text business database, with full text articles from scholarly business journals and other sources dating as far back as 1922.


  • Center for Jewish History
    “The Center Digital Collections catalog provides access to the digital assets of the Center for Jewish History and its five partner organizations, the American Jewish Historical Society, the American Sephardi Federation, the Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.”
  • Christian Periodical Index
    Index to journal articles and book reviews from evangelical Christian resources. Title list
  • Clase/Periodica
    Index to articles from Latin American journals specializing in the social science and the humanities.
  • Consumer Health Complete
    Collection of consumer-oriented health content designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.
  • Consumer Health Reference eBook Collection
    A collection of eBooks to further support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.
  • Coronavirus Research Databases
    Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories and will continue to grow and evolve as more is learned about the pandemic.
  • The Cyber Hymnal
    Thousands of Christian hymns & Gospel songs from many denominations, most in the public domain, including lyrics, audio, sheet music, pictures, history & more. Includes indexes by topic (liturgical calendar) and scripture references.


  • Digital Commons Network
    Digital Commons Network is a worldwide repository of scholarly works, including articles, book chapters, theses, dissertations and more. You can explore by topic using their innovative graphic search tool or search for your topic by keyword.
  • Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
    The DPLA is a project that aims to collect and make available resources from public and university libraries, archives and museums across America. It includes items from the Smithsonian, National Archives, Library of Congress, and many other institutions. Its goal is to create a portal that will be a valuable source of information for everyone.
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    The DOAJ is an online directory of open access and peer-reviewed journals. It includes over 11,000 journals in the areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. Use the search page or browse by subject.


  • EBSCO e-book Collection
    Ebooks on general studies topics.
  • EBSCOhost Research Databases
    The main page for all EBSCO databases.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations
    Open-access electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) from participating institutional repositories. The database is open for submissions from research institutions and individual authors around the world.
  • ERIC (EBSCO) or ERIC (OCLC FirstSearch)
    The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. It includes citations and full-text documents for articles from professional journals in the field of education. ERIC may be searched using either the EBSCO or OCLC interface.
  • Educator Reference
    Collection of resources from academic journals, reports, and reference sources in the field of education.
  • Electronic Collections Online A&I
    An extensive collection of citations from over 6,200 electronic journals.
  • Explora Educators Edition
    A tool for educators that includes articles from education journals searchable by reading level and curriculum standards. Also includes lesson plans and links to helpful teacher sites.
  • Explora Primary Schools
    Good general research database for young students of articles from journals, magazines, newspapers across all academic disciplines.
  • Explora Public Libraries
    Easy to use interface for the EBSCO databases. Includes browing by topic and search by Lexile reading level.
  • Explora Secondary Schools
    Good general research database for middle/high school students of articles from journals, magazines, newspapers across all academic disciplines.
  • European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
    Database of materials printed in Europe relating to the Americas from 1493-1750. Search titles found on books.google.com for full-text access.




  • HathiTrust
    The Hathitrust Digital Library provides access to the collections of major research institutions and libraries worldwide.
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition
    Consumer health information from popular health magazines.
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    Health information from nursing and health literature on topics including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, medical law, and more.


  • Infotrac Student Edition
    Research site for high school students, with resources including magazines, newspapers, magazines, books, and reference works.


    JSTOR is a database of scholarly articles from a wide variety of journals. Researchers who sign up for a MyJSTOR account can read up to 100 free articles per month.


  • Khan Academy
    Website for independent learning in math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics and more.
  • Kids InfoBits
    Topical research tool for elementary level students.



  • MAS Complete
    A research database that contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more.
    Citations for articles from medical journals.
  • MasterFILE Complete
    Offers the highest quality collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books, videos, and other sources covering virtually every subject area.
  • MegaFILE
    Scholarly, popular and business articles. This is a combination of Academic Search, Masterfile and Business Source databases.
  • Middle Search Plus
    Articles for middle-school level research from popular magazines on many academic subject areas.


  • National Geographic Kids
    A database exploring kid friendly national geographic resources.
  • New Testament Abstracts
    Index of articles from scholarly journals about New Testament studies.
  • Newspaper Source
    Provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national, international, and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.
  • NoveList
    Resource for finding books to read or use in research. Includes the ability to search keywords or browse by genre.


  • OAISter (OCLC FirstSearch)
    Catalog of open-access materials from schools and institutions around the world.
  • OCLC ArchiveGrid
    Resource for searching for primary materials from archives that store historical documents, personal papers, family history documents, and more.
  • OCLC Electronic Books
    Index of electronic books. Records include links to the full-text version if available or to the record of the library owning the item.
  • OCLC PapersFirst
    Index of papers presented at conferences, symposiums and other meetings around the world.
  • OCLC WorldCat Dissertations and Theses
    Index of dissertations and theses with option for requesting items from libraries or linking to full-text online.
  • Old Testament Abstracts
    Index of articles from scholarly journals about Old Testament studies.
  • Open Library of Humanities (OLH)
    The OLH publishes scholarly, peer-reviewed, and open access journals in areas of the humanities.


  • PebbleGo Next
    An interactive site for kids to learn about animals and historical figures.
  • Perseus Project
    Digital collection of ancient and classical works in their original languages and many works translated into English.
  • Points of View Reference Center
    Topical resource for finding articles, book, and other content examining various sides of issues.
  • Primary Search
    Full-text articles from popular elementary-school level magazines.
  • Princeton Theological Commons
    A digital collection of over 80,000 items on religion and theology collected and hosted by Princeton Theological Seminary.
  • ProceedingsFirst
    Index of proceedings from conferences around the world.
  • Professional Development Collection
    Databases of full-text articles from journals for professional educators, librarians, and education researchers.
  • Project Gutenberg
    A collection of thousands of over 50,000 classic fiction and non-fiction texts. All books are public domain and can be downloaded for free to read on any device.


  • Reference Shelf Online
    Online access to the Reference Shelf series, which publishes six books each year with articles and essays on current topics. Check out the print version in the library or use this link to see the collection online.
  • Regional Business News
    Full-text articles from regional business publications, including journals, newspapers and newswires.
  • Research in Context
    Reference materials for middle-school age children, including video, newspapers, magazines, primary resources and more.
  • RIM ATLA Dissertation Search
    RIM® Online is a freely available database that indexes DMin and DMiss projects from reporting schools of theology accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. Indexing began in 1981. Author, title, project advisor, institution, and subject access are provided. In addition, an abstract for each project is included when one has been provided by the author.


  • Science Direct Open Access Journals
    Science Direct, a major search engine for science journals and articles, has the option to view only open access journals or journals that contain open access articles. After your search, choose to limit your results to “Open Access Articles”.
  • Science Reference Center or Science Reference Center (Advanced Search)
    Full-text articles from encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Also includes an extensive image collection from institutes such as National Geographic, NASA, and Getty.
  • Student Resources in Context
    Resource for students grades 6-12 with full-text articles from magazines, newspapers, biographies, essays, audio, video, etc.


  • Taylor and Francis (T&F) Online Journal Search
    T&F offer a search of their entire journal collection, with the option to limit your search results only to items that are available to read for free. Enter your term(s) in the search boxes and mark the “Only content I have full access to” option to retrieve free articles from high-quality journals.
  • Teacher Reference Center
    Database available free online for K-12 teachers. Includes citations for articles from education periodicals.
  • TED Talks
    Search the online archive of TED Talk videos, which presents talks by world leaders and thinkers on just about any topic.
  • The Text This Week
    This site features a wide variety of resources for study and liturgy based on the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle. The Scripture Index posts historical references, commentary, and comparative textual resources, as well as citations to articles from major religion and theology journals, including references to articles in ATLA/ATLAS. Recommended hymns, images, children’s lessons, sermons, and other liturgy resources are provided for each scripture reference.
  • Theological Studies Archive & Biblical Studies Archive
    These complementary archives provide a wide range of materials for biblical and theological studies. There are many free journal articles, book reviews and Bible study aids.


  • U.S. Newsstream
    U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers.


  • World Digital Library
    The World Digital Library, published by the Library of Congress, includes primary materials from around the world, including ancient religious and Biblical manuscripts.
  • World Politics Review
    In-depth news and expert analysis on global affairs to help readers identify and make sense of the events and trends shaping our world.
  • WorldCat (OCLC FirstSearch)
    Resource for searching library catalogs around the world. Request items through interlibrary loan.