Doctor of
Contextual Leadership
Trinity’s Doctor of Contextual Leadership (DCL) is a European-style professional doctorate tailored to the student’s leadership context.
3-6 year program. Interactive online sessions.
55% off tuition for the first cohort beginning Fall 2024 only.

Program Structure
The Doctor of Contextual Leadership is a 46-credit program that can be completed in a three-year cohort experience.
Internet access for interactive sessions is required for the program.
Seminar Descriptions
The program consists of six live video conferencing Doctoral Seminars, each designed in sequence to guide the student through the process of developing a 50,000-word scholarly dissertation with practical implications to their context of ministry leadership, culminating in an oral defense of the project.
Doctoral Seminar One
This is an introductory seminar preparing the student for doctoral-level reading and writing. Students will be introduced to the wide area of Practical Theology, and will describe how their chosen topic will contribute to their personal leadership acumen and that of others in similar positions of leadership. Preparing a proposal and annotated bibliography will be the special focus.
Doctoral Seminar Two
Students will identify, evaluate and reflect critically on key sources relevant to their field of study. Students will demonstrate their understanding of research involving human subjects by successfully passing the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) courses for research with human subjects. Students will produce and submit a doctoral proposal for review by the cohort and professors, that once approved will move them to candidate status. Students will gain skills in organizing a literature review. The tension between critical analysis of concepts and healthy spirituality will be explored.
Doctoral Seminar Three
During the dissertation phase the candidate will work closely with a supervisor to produce and submit 10,000 to 15,000 words toward the dissertation. Seminar topics will include writing at the doctoral level, and methods and methodologies. The seminar will include candidate-led discussions and presentations, peer review and consultation with the supervisor.
Doctoral Seminar Four
During the dissertation phase the candidate will work closely with a supervisor to produce and submit 10,000 to 15,000 words toward the dissertation. Seminar topics will include data collection and data analysis. The seminar will include candidate-led discussions and presentations, peer review and consultation with the supervisor.
Doctoral Seminar Five
During the dissertation phase the candidate will work closely with a supervisor to produce and submit 10,000 to 15,000 words toward the dissertation. Seminar topics will include doctoral hurdles and writing the data analysis. The seminar will include candidate-led discussions and presentations, peer review and consultation with the supervisor.
Doctoral Seminar Six
The final seminar will include a practice defense of the candidate’s research before faculty and peers in preparation for the final defense.
Seminar Dates
September 4-6, 2024 (Seminar 1)
March 27-28, 2025 (Seminar 2)
September 3-5, 2025 (Seminar 1 & 3)
March 26-27, 2026 (Seminar 2 & 4)
September 2-4, 2026 (Seminar 1, 3 & 5)
March 25-26, 2027 (Seminar 2, 4 & 6)
A new cohort begins the program each September
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