Trinity Thankful Thursday

Trinity Alumni have amazing stories to tell. Just like the miraculous story of Trinity Bible College & Graduate School is a worth telling and re-telling, so is your story. It is a story of what God has done and is doing in your life.
What better way than to tell your story from the position of gratitude?
The Advancement and Alumni Relations wants to help share your story.
Your story may encourage someone in their daily walk with Jesus. Perhaps they recently lost a loved one, are discouraged in their place of ministry, or recently learned of a difficult medical diagnosis.
Your story may invite Alumni to re-engage with their Alma Mater or remind a youth pastor or parent that Trinity remains a wonderful place to learn and grow.
Your story may remind a donor – or a would-be donor – that an investment in Trinity Bible College & Graduate School will reap an eternal dividend.
So, tell us your story. Submit it in the form below. On selected Thursdays, we’ll publish it on the Alumni Association Facebook page as our #TrinityThankfulThursday highlight. But before we publish it, we’ll let you look at it first – promise. If you have any questions, contact the Alumni Relations office at or 701-349-5770.
Thank you!
P.S. If you are willing, we would love for you to include what you are doing now (e.g., organization, position title, etc.) and a recent photo.