Resource Sharing
Resource Sharing (RS) requests can be made to request materials not held by the Graham Library, including books, journal articles, videos, and more. Requests can be made by requesting items from the library catalog, emailing request information, or completing an RS form through the library catalog. Direct any questions regarding RS requests to the library administrative assistant at
Requesting items from the library catalog
The library catalog allows students to request items from the Graham Library or from the Online Dakota Information Network, also known as ODIN. The ODIN network includes most North Dakota public and university libraries. Items requested from the Graham Library will be put on hold at the circulation desk for local students or mailed to distance learning students. Items requested from ODIN will be ordered through Resource Sharing (RS). To find items to request through ODIN, choose the “All ODIN Libraries” tab in the Graham Library catalog
- Find an item using the search box.
- Under the title, note what library owns the item. Click the word “Request” at the bottom of the entry.
- If prompted to sign-in, enter your library card number and password in the ODIN sign-in page.
- Choose to “Hold” or “RS” the item. Only Graham Library books are available to be put on hold; items from all other libraries should be requested through RS.
- Choose a date to receive your item by. Make sure it is at least one month from the current date.
- Click the “Request” button and agree to the copyright statement to finish your request.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your request has been approved. When your item arrives, it will be available for pick-up at the Graham Library circulation desk.
Requesting RS using “Find it @ TBC”
Articles and books may be requested from our online databases and WorldCat catalog using the button. Follow the instructions below to use this tool to request items through World Cat, or use these instructions to request articles found in the online databases.
WorldCat (OCLC FirstSearch) contains over 49 million records for books, periodicals, scores, films, sound recordings, internet resources, manuscripts, and computer files. The records represent materials held by libraries in 45 countries including all ODIN libraries. To request an item through Worldcat, click the button and follow the instructions below.
- Search for your subject using the appropriate search box and click the title of an item you would like to request.
- In the item record, click
. In the retrieval options screen that pops up, click the “Go” button under the option for “RS.”
- You will be redirected to an RS request form and may be required to enter your library card number and password. The form will be automatically filled out with the information for your item.
- Choose a date by which to receive the book, at least one month from the current date.
- Mark “no” for the entry labeled “Willing to Pay”
- Mark the box next to the copyright agreement and click “Go” to finish your request.
You will receive an email confirmation when your request has been approved and a second notice when your item arrives. RS requests may be picked up at the Graham Library circulation desk.
- You may also search all available locations of an item by going to our Discovery page and changing your search settings to “All ODIN Libraries” or whatever you like.
Emailing RS Requests
If you know the title of an item you would like to request, you may send an email to Include as much information as possible, including:
- Title
- Author
- Date published
- For journal articles: Journal title, volume, and issue
If the item is available, you will receive an email when your request has been approved and a second notice when your item arrives. RS requests may be picked up at the Graham Library circulation desk or mailed to off campus students.
Using the RS request form
If you know the title of an item you would like to request, you may use the ILL form for books or articles in your library account. Login to your library account using your library card number and password and follow the instructions below to request an item.
On your library account page, choose the type of RS you require (book or article) from the menu on the left side of the page. In this form, please provide as much information as possible, including:
- Title
- Author
- Publication Date
- Volume and Issue number (for article)
- The latest day you need the item by (if you don’t know, put the last day of the current semester)
- Mark “no” for the entry labeled “Willing to Pay”
- Check the box next to the copyright statement and click “Go”
You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your request has been approved. When your item arrives, it will be available for pick-up at the Graham Library circulation desk.
RS Policies
RS Costs
Resource Sharing Requests may be assessed a minimal fee to cover postage, plus any additional lending library charges. Patrons will always be consulted before accepting charges required by a lending library. Charges must be paid at the time material is picked up.
RS Delivery Time
For requests made through ODIN, allow at least one week for material to arrive. Material found in WorldCat or requested from out-of-state may require a longer delivery time.
RS Renewals
As a courtesy to the lending library, requests for renewal should be made before the material’s due date. Requests after the due date may be denied. Contact the library administrative assistant to request a RS renewal.
RS Refusals
A non-refundable $5.00 per item penalty plus the cost of the RS is charged to the student’s account for material not picked up before it must be returned to the lending library.